Arithmetic Operators
print 2 + 3 # 5 - Addition
print 3 - 2 # 1 - Subtraction
print 2 * 3 # 6 - Multiplication
print 2 ** 3 # 8 - Exponent
print 18 / 4 # 4 - Division
print 18 // 4 # 4 - Floor Division
print 10 % 3 # 1 - Modulus
note that in python division the result show only the integer number, for example if divide 10 on 3 the result will be only 3 not 3.3333 as we expect, solve this problem see python float division.
Comparison Operators
print 5==5 # True - Equal
print 5 != 7 # True - Not equal
print 5 <> 7 # True - Not equal
print 5 > 2 # True - greater than
print 5 < 2 # False- less than
print 5 >= 2 # True - greater than or equal
print 5 <= 5 # True - less than or equal
Assignment Operators
a = 5 # a=5
a += 2 # a=5+2 = 7
a -= 3 # a=7-3 = 4
a *= 3 # a=4*3 = 12
a /= 2 # a=12/2 = 6
a %= 4 # a=6%4 = 2
a **= 4 # a=2**4 = 16
a //= 7 # a=16//7 = 2
Logical Operators
print (True)and(False) # False
print (4=4) and (7=5) # False
print (True)or(False) # True
print (4=4) or (7=5) # Ture
print Not (True) # False
print Not (3=3) # False
Logical Operators
print (True)and(False) # False
print (4=4) and (7=5) # False
print (True)or(False) # True
print (4=4) or (7=5) # Ture
print Not (True) # False
print Not (3=3) # False
Membership Operators
list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ];
if ( 3 in list ):
print 'yes 3 is in the list'
else :
print '3 is not in the list'
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